Thursday, February 18, 2010


I have worked all week at 9 hrs a day, and I don't feel like a conscious something thats been discarded into the sewer to contemplate how much its life sucks.....I actually feel good, and tomorrow and the next day I have off which makes them that much better of an off day because I get to enjoy rest without dreading the work to follow.

Also, I have great friends. Because of them I spent money for the first time, yesterday, since the first week of February. Being broke sucks; and now it feels like there has been a huge weight lifted and I can see a little bit of light through which I can move on.

all my thanks is to the Father, some of which is getting their through my brothers and sisters.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah. We have some important tax information, some other mail, and a bunch of random junk.
