Saturday, February 13, 2010

more stuff.

here are some drawings over the past week or so. they are roughly in chronological order. I'm not feeling "very good" about my drawing right now, but I am doing some new things and that's good. I don't feel like im "stuck."

For instance, I've been drawing from imagination a bit. this first one is sort of from a guy I saw for like a split second and saw something I could do with his face so I made up the face making that pull. It sort of worked I think but not fully.

trying to get back into my continuous line:

this one should be down after the girls (I drew it right after messing around with those) on the bottom but oh well. Its without live reference, just kinda thinking about line:

trying to see/feel mass:

gesture then developed a bit:

I saw this girl in Broadstreet today and she was throwing down these awesome stances. some people just stand in interesting/cool/dynamic ways. anyway I gestured a few things and then just spontaneously started breaking it down into line and trying hard to make it "work."


walking (sort of discovered from messing around with the "standing")

Flippin', trippin', sippin' on that fluffy white breeze.

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