Saturday, March 6, 2010

more drawings and stuff.

Beard update for those that I do not see very often. Its after a day of work, but I thought that "fixing it up" would be sort of unbeard-like.

So I've been working. I've been enjoying it as well, which is good because for a while there I thought I was a class A bum that couldn't hold a job for more than a month or two if he tried. Turns out I only hate working cruddy jobs, which I'm ok with.

I really need a car. I believe that I will soon be able to acquire one but not yet. It causes me to be tired.

(also these images are in the reverse order I wanted them....but I don't feel like fixing it. also for some reason they are different sizes...?....but again don't care enough to know. you can zoom in or out on your browser by pressing ctrl. + or - ....if you weren't already aware)

A 25 minute pose at Belhaven's drawing session. I like certain things and lack others. One thing I did figure out is that I wanted to emphasize how skinny she was but was having trouble showing how little she was as well because of that (she is very small and skinny.) I didn't pay very much attention to the face here and consequently the head, which I was ok with; but when I went back and looked at it I realize that her head is too small. IF I had made her head larger or even oversized it would have made her appear smaller, solving the problem.


I like this was a good exercise experience

Fairly pleased with this developing and the character of it.

quick landscape...(the camera on my comp flips the image.)

hand partial...

Tippy toes deciding what to order at broadstreet. this might actually be Peuderbaugh, or however you spell it.

"T" playing a solo set. In the left one the face has good likeness while I like the right one because it looks like he's playing.

These weren't supposed to be last...they are older and arn't as good. Sorry for no happy ending.

I love ya'll.


  1. I like the drawings ...

  2. love you, too.

    (and holy shit your beard is huge.)
